The ICNL (Intelligent Computation and Network Laboratory) focuses on the fusion of new networking technology, distributed computation, and intelligence to enable the future information system technologies (e.g., B5G, 6G, Future Networks, Big data-driven technologies, network security, trust, privacy) and support future services (Society 5.0, Metaverse, Big Data, IoT, CPS, and etc.).

In this field of research, information and communication network infrastructure and its environment are evolving rapidly as information computation continues to move from the cloud to the network edge due to the dramatic advances and fusion of communication technology, distributed processing, and artificial intelligence. In our laboratory, we are actively responding to the needs of the future society, efficiently embedding intelligence and distributed processing into the network, and conducting comprehensive researches targeting revolutionary/evolutionary networking and emerging service systems.
1. Future Networks
Quantum Network
In-Network Computing, Information-Centric Network, Internet of Things
Mobility-oriented Network
Software-Defined Network, Network Virtualization
Industrial Network
2. Emerging Applications (Big Data and Metaverse)
Metaverse, Digital Twin
(Digitialize physical environment)
(Digitialize factory and warehouse)
Machine Learning, Network Intelligence, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Model
Big Data Driven Network Architecture
Big Data Driven Wireless Networks
Machine Learning
Big Data Driven Future Networks
3. 6G/B6G
Network Architecture, Network Resilience, Drone and Satellite Communications
Interconnections between wireless networks and wired networks
Integration between Cyberspace and Physical Space
4. Security, Trust, Privacy
Data-centric Security and Privacy
Distributed Data Trust Evaluation
Future Authentications and Authorizations

Laboratory Environment
Equipments in Laboratory